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In every generation within a given time, God raises a vision and strategically place it among a group of people for divine purpose and assignment.
No vision is unfolded by God before its due time and season of relevance. God raises a man (leaders) to work together in accomplishing the vision.
A vision does not belong to an individual, is for the purpose of order, accountability and leadership. Tapping into the grace of a vision is through identity and commitment through the set channels and link like:

  • Leadership
  • Function
  • Prayer
  • Tithe
  • Membership
  • Representation
  • Fatherhood

Every person genuinely brought of God is strength and a builder, neither a liability nor destroyer. God brings men and women to fill the vacuum in the vision by their commitment in prayer, gift, encouragement and support (Every vision needs pillars, the apostolic team).
The measure of ownership in a vision is in commitment that begins from the heart.

  • Time is a factor in commitment.
  • Challenges are a factor in commitment.
  • The price is a factor in commitment.
  • Leadership is a factor in commitment.

The Now International Family Church is being ushered into its season by the Holy Spirit, it’s a ministry with a mandate from the Lord to this generation.

  • To prepare it for its inheritance.
  • To father the gift and potentials in them into full maturity and
  • To release them into their function.

I want to welcome you to this divine course. What an honor to be counted into God’s noble agenda and program in accomplishing his eternal purpose on earth, (Would you join God to father and raise the generation?)


Empower for Function: Now International Family Church exist to build and empower the church (the body of Christ) in order to function effectively in their area of calling, making an impact in our society, the whole world and the generations to come with a lifestyle and the power of Christ.


Actualize the written word into a now experience: Now Family Church is divinely ordained of God to unfold that which is rightly ours through redemption, but has been hidden from our sight due to ignorance and lack of understanding bringing all the promises of God into a now experience and enjoyment in every set of our lives as Jesus told the Samaritan woman “Time is coming, and now is!” (John 4:19-26).
God has raised this vision to actualize that which has been always hanging in the spiritual realm into a reality that makes our daily life.
Scriptural mandate:
Luke 4:18, John 4: 19-26, 1 Corinthians 11:1 and Psalms 2:7-8

Statements of Belief
We believe:-

  • Jesus Christ is the son of God, he was crucified, died and buried and on the third day, he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven where he remains at the right hand of God.
  • In God the father, Son and the Holy Spirit (Trinity).
  • The Bible was written by the inspiration of the Spirit of God.
  • In the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and the gift of the Spirit to the believers.
  • The creation of man in the image of God, but felt into sin and restoration through justification only by grace through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • In full function of the five fold ministry, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers to perfect the saints and equip for the work of ministry.
  • The resurrection of the dead, judgment, which brings eternal life either in heaven or hell based on your decision of life here on earth, obedience to God and his word or rebellion against him.
  • Acting on the word of God (which is faith).
  • In water baptism in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and the authority in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • In divine healing, restoration of health to those who believe and act on truths of the word of God (that Jesus is our healer and that by his stripes we are already healed).
  • Tithes and offerings should be freely given to the local church. The local church is the place of membership where God has called you to receive His Word on a consistent basis and grow spiritually.


Core values

  • Empowering environment: We believe in empowering individuals to realize and fully walk in their gifting and callings. To this end, we believe that the role of leadership is not to hinder individual growth but to facilitate it and also provide and environment conducive for function.
  • Right value on people: We believe that all men are valuable in the sight of God and that no one individual is any more important than another. Nobody should be valued on the basis of what they do in the church. To this end, we seek to understand each other as an individual whom God loves and has made part of his family.


  • Relationship over structure: We believe that relationship is the glue that holds everything together. To this end, we endeavor to devote more time to building and deepening sound interpersonal relationships than we do to the structure that facilitated growth and expansion.
  • Servant leadership and ministry: We believe that a person is only qualified to lead to the degree that is willing to serve and learn. Further the motivation for all ministries within the local church should be based on the principle of servant hood.


  • Complementary partnership: We believe that we as a body are called and put together by God to complement and not to compete with each other. To this end, we endeavor to appreciate, respect and promote each others gift and callings.
  • Character above gifting (Charisma): We believe that godly character is to be preferred above gifts and talents. Our conviction is that the responsibility of carrying a gift should be well balanced with sufficient strength of character for its sustained impact and influence.


  • Responsibility and accountability: We believe in mutual responsibility and accountability. We believe that every person must be responsible for their actions in every respect and that no one should accept any responsibility if they do not wish to be accountable for it. (Mat 21:28)
  • Reconciliation over being right: We believe that reconciliation is more God’s heart than being right in every situation. Therefore as much as principles and convictions are integral part of our relationships, we prefer to be reconciled one with another than apportion blame when things do not work according to everyone’s expectations and plans.


  • Stewardship and ownership: We believe that as born again believers, we are joint heirs with Jesus and therefore we will have to give an account concerning how we administer the estate that God entrusted to us, whether it is people, finances, relationships or churches. As co-owners of all things with God, we have the responsibility to be faithful stewards who administer the estate according to God’s purpose as revealed in the word.
  • A can-do attitude: We believe that as a people of faith and God on our side, all things are possible to us who believe. We therefore place high premium on the attitude and language of victory. In the light of this, we do not vote concerning the direction of the church, but we hear the heart of God corporately and obey His instructions. Our attitude will certainly determine our altitude.


  • Commitment: We believe that commitment starts at the heart of man, first and foremost unto the Lord, then expressed externally through responsibility. The core unit in the church is the commitment of saints to the vision through their:- tithes and offerings, departmental responsibilities, prayers, fellowship, projects and submission to the set order of leadership (Idleness is forbidden).
  • World-wide vision: We believe that God’s visions is a global vision and so is ours, to this end, we shall use every available tool to reach this world for Christ, till all families of the world are blessed. However we also believe that our global vision should only be an extension of what is working in local church and therefore our local congregation takes priority over all other national and international ministry.


  •  Vine and branch: We believe in vine branch principle, that every branch must enhance continuity and that the vine must provide sufficient nutrients to help total productivity, we believe in diversity of grace and gifting but serving a common purpose. Every gift is relevant for the common good (John 15:1-, 1 Cor 12:28)
  • Family: We believe in the establishment of the family at every level of life; in a home, church and community, like God’s order of family is. (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), the family is the centre and core of every success in life, it’s the pattern of human race, no wonder God calls us sons and daughters, children of the same household.


Our dream:
God called us to actualize the written word through the lifestyle that glorify God and brings dignity to humanity in every aspect of life. “Not tomorrow! Not yesterday! But in a NOW experience.

It’s our dream to:

  • Raise people who love the Lord with all their hearts, soul, mind and strength, who practically demonstrates this through the heartfelt praise and worship and by serving and loving others unconditionally. People that are full of life and great zeal for God. A people that speaks well of each other, holding their covenant of love and peace in great esteem. A people of power, moving in all the anointing and the mighty of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1;8).
  • Raise a people that are passionate about reaching the lost for Christ, disciple them to attain maturity and release them into their own fullness of potential and callings. A people that are part of the answer to the society problems through the giving of themselves, their time, their material possessions and above all, their love and friendship.
  • Establish an oasis of love where hurting, indebted, discontented, distressed, misunderstood, frustrated and confused can find love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness and fresh purpose for living. A place designed to minister to the whole person, spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially and economically.
  • Establish a centre of excellence for God, known for identifying, equipping, to reproduce and sending ministries, support and prayers to all four corners of the world. It is our vision to reproduce and train leaders in the house of God and multiply the dynamic life of God in such a people of power, through planting other churches and ministries that embraces this vision and themselves achieving more than we will ever do to the glory of God.
  • Identify, father and empower an army of men and women of power to invade this and the next generation with the ideals of the kingdom. We have a heart to raise sons and daughters within and without the setting of this vision who have the calling and the potential to serve God in their generation in every set of life.
  • Raise men of character, value and honor that portray the image of God through their set leadership of families, loving fathers and husbands and trusted leaders.
  • Raise women of prayer, mothers of value, virtue who understands their placement in the order and rank in the family through obedience, submission to their husbands, loving and caring for their children and family.
  • Raise children of obedience who brings honor and joy to their parents, growing in fear and knowledge of God.
  • Raise a society the value and honor God, which lives in the set standard of the word and establishing a living environment that equal the kingdom of God. Where everybody feels part of.
  • Raise a church where everybody has room for function and enjoy or enter into their redemptive package in Christ; singles, youths, widows, widowers and families.
  • Build a strong godly family in which men function in true spiritual headship and women enter fully into spiritual inheritance under a proper covering and are raised up as strong intercessors. Children are trained up in the ways of the Lord as a blessing released to succeed the next generation.
  • Write books, tape ministry (Cd,Dvd), website, conventions, seminars and media (Tv, Radio etc).
  • Establish a team of worshippers that glorify God and brings the atmosphere of heaven into the life of every member and participant.

God spoke and said, “Build a Tent for your sons” with the elaboration of the word of God over the heart of the leader, The Now vision is commissioned to raise sons and set a standard of operation for the same. Every persons called into this vision must be willing and desire to submit and learn from the pattern established in this vision, being; “Empowered for Function” raise under fatherhood so as to be a father, raised under leadership to lead.

Rev.  Mike Bitok
Now International Family Church